Registering BlueNote Clients - Version 8
After the license for BlueNote Communicator Lights has been purchased, you will need to register all the online clients to unlock the software for permanent use.
Open the registration email you received after purchasing BlueNote. You will need to highlight and then copy the registration block including the registered name. Registration information cannot be manually entered.
Open BlueNote and click the Menu then Preferences. From the Preferences window choose Registration and then click the Paste Registration button. Do Not Right-click to paste or Ctrl-V.
When you see a similar notification appear in this window, this computer is now licensed. The next step will help you quickly register all of the other BlueNote clients on your network.
From the same BlueNote client, click Menu then Preferences. From the Preferences window choose Advanced and click the Advanced Registration button. This will re-open the Registration window with new options. Check the box that says "Automatically register all clients in trial mode".