How do I add BlueNote Lights to a new computer?

How do I add BlueNote to a new computer?

Since BlueNote Lights is designed to automatically configure and register new computers as BlueNote is added to a computer connected to your network, all you'll normally need to do is to download BlueNote Lights and everything else should synch on its own and begin working immediately.

First of all, determine the major version that is installed on the rest of the computers in the office by opening a current BlueNote client on another computer and choosing Menu > Help. If you see Version 8 or 9, then you may follow the link below to download the most recent version that works with your other computers and/or purchased license. Otherwise, from the BlueNote Software main page, choose the Customers button and select the compatible version to access the appropriate Download page.

To add BlueNote Lights Version 9 to a new computer, click on the link below and choose "Download." It will function with Version 7 and Version 8, but is not compatible with any previous versions.

If the settings and licensing from the other BlueNote clients do not migrate automatically into the new computer, that is a sign that the new client has not connected with the other users properly. See the Related Articles below for troubleshooting.

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